Donate to make a difference

Here are some projects that need your support right now. If you can, please donate to ensure they can continue their critical work.

Pakistan flood relief

One third of Pakistan is currently under water. Devastating flooding is wreaking havoc on the country's poorest, with over 33 million people affected, and over 1000 deaths recorded. The poorest are also loosing the little they have - over 800'000 livestock have been lost, and over 2 million hectares of crop land are destroyed.

Please donate to the causes below if you can to help alleviate the suffering from this climate catastrophe.

Projects to support

Akhuwat Flood Emergency Appeal
UN World Food Programme (WFP) Pakistan Appeal
IFRC Pakistan Floods Appeal
Edhi Welfare Organisation Flood Relief Campaign
Alkhidmat Emergency Flood Appeal


Projects to support

UNHCR Ukraine Humanitarian Assistance
UN Crisis Relief - Ukraine Humanitarian Fund


The humanitarian issues in Afghanistan are not new, but have severely intensified since the Taliban took over again. This has especially affected the access to nutrition for the country's population living in poverty, which is expected to reach 97% by mid 2022:

  • 22.8 million people in Afghanistan (more than half the population) face acute food insecurity
  • 8.7 million Afghans face emergency-level food insecurity (highest in the world)
  • Families are resorting to selling their kids to afford food

The UN WFP needs $220 million a month to continue operations. If you'd like to understand what they're doing and support their critical work, find out more below.

Projects to support

UN World Food Programme - Afghanistan appeal
UN Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund